Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Minimonos - See You Sunday Sundaes!

Hello Monkeys!
Last weekend , Monkeys participated in ''See You Sunday!'' and made AWESOME and ATTRACTIVE sundaes! A lot of Monkeys made their sundaes and enjoyed , and some also took pictures and sent them to Minimonos!
Here are some pictures from Party master's blog! 
BannanaRama's sundae :
LokiTerry's sundae:
EcoMom's sundae :
Screen shot 2011-06-22 at 4.58.00 PM
Bananatastic's mega sundae:
They look really delicious!! I can't believe how Bannanatastic ate all of this and he didn't give me even a piece! :( haha
Also , bananatastic shared a quote that I also wanted to say!
The sundaes looks so bananamazing! Just looking at the pictures of them makes my mouth water! 
Thank you for reading ,

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