Thursday, June 16, 2011

MiniMonos Treehouse Of The Week

Treehouseofweek (6)

Hey Monkeys,
It's that time of the week again, for TreeHouse Of The Week! This week there was a lot of competition! Calypso had a very hard time picking a treehouse! If your treehouse was not picked do not worry! You always have next week! Now lets go check out....... Broie's Treehouse!
Broie sent a message to Calypso this week to check out the treehouse. He was so glad he did! :D
You can see from Broie's posters that he is a beta monkey, so he's been on Minimonos a while. He has a robot or two... But they seem to have camoflagued themselves! Can you find them? Hehe. 
Great treehouse Broie and Congrats! 
Message From Calypso: If you monkeys ever want me to check out your treehouse, feel free to send me -- Or any MiniMonos Staff member -- a message in world, and I'll check it out! :-) I can't wait to see your treehouse. ^.^ 

Follow The OFFICIAL twitter for MiniMonos Blast HERE! Follow Sonic4572Mattybon, and Monkeyrock!


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