Saturday, July 16, 2011

The Latest Fan Art Friday!

Hey artistic monkeys! It's that time of week again, on a Friday, where your fan art is thrown into a video known as our Fan Art Friday videos! This week's Fan Art Friday has some great drawings from our very own Mioster and the last of the pictures of our MiniMonos staff from our MiniMonos artists! There's also... wait, why am I even telling you? Check it out for yourself!
and a little note from Manx:
We had so many awesome pictures sent in, we couldn't fit them all in this week's video, so if you sent in a picture, keep an eye out for next week's video! And as always, if you'd like to see your pictures in a Fan Art Friday video, please email them to gwenw(at)minimonos(dot)com! Rock on, monkeys!
So, if your picture wasn't in this week's Fan Art Friday, keep an eye out for it next week! So many bananamazing photos! What did you monkeys think? Leave a comment and let me know! And don't forget that if you pictures to send in, just send them in to what's in bold: !


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