Hey monkeys! Last week's weekly high scores were released, so let's check 'em out, and find out who our master is!
Congratulations Masterbanana, you really are the master! Pretty nice high scores this week, wouldn't ya say monkeys? Play on!Monkey Flight high scores:
Monkey Flight to the rescue!!! :-D
EvilDevil7 came in first with 7,198 clouds collected, impressive!!! MSNBC125 was 2nd with 3,145 clouds and Riio was 3rd place! Nice work!!
Recycle game high scores:
If you play Recycle often the recycle bin at your treehouse will be clear! :-)
BananaFace6 came in first with a total of 1,711 items recycled! Good job! Mightyzach was 2nd place and Dylans12 was 3rd! Good going monkeys!
Go Go Green high scores:
The greener the earth is... The better!!
Dyastech came in first on the list with a score of 357,000! Super! Sparkcharm2 received 2nd place and 4nim4l came in 3rd. Great job!!
TicTacPoo high scores:
Have you been making compost lately? Just play TicTacPoo!!
Grow high scores:
Grow as much as you can now! Strawberries are in season! ;-)
Masterbanana was 1st -- 4rd week in a row! You are really mastering this game! Look at that score! Lizzybug7 was 2nd -- 2nd week in a row! Nunoferreira23 came in 3rd! Woot! Awesome stuff!
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