Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Weekly, Weekly High Scores & Who's Our Master?

Hey monkeys! Last week's weekly high scores were released, so let's check 'em out, and find out who our master is!
Will Monkey Flight high scores:
Monkey Flight to the rescue!!! :-D

  Mfhs13EvilDevil7 came in first with 7,198 clouds collected, impressive!!! MSNBC125 was 2nd with 3,145 clouds and Riio was 3rd place! Nice work!!
Flip Recycle game high scores:
If you play Recycle often the recycle bin at your treehouse will be clear! :-)

Recyclehs13BananaFace6 came in first with a total of 1,711 items recycled! Good job! Mightyzach was 2nd place and Dylans12 was 3rd! Good going monkeys!

Flip Go Go Green high scores:
The greener the earth is... The better!!

Ggghs13Dyastech came in first on the list with a score of 357,000! Super! Sparkcharm2 received 2nd place and 4nim4l came in 3rd. Great job!!
Igor TicTacPoo high scores:
Have you been making compost lately? Just play TicTacPoo!!
Ttphs12Jas1206 came in 1st place! Sweetness!! Rexmonos came in 2nd! Mioster was 3rd! Fantastic. :-D
Bea Grow high scores:
Grow as much as you can now! Strawberries are in season! ;-)
Growhs13Masterbanana was 1st -- 4rd week in a row! You are really mastering this game! Look at that score! Lizzybug7 was 2nd -- 2nd week in a row! Nunoferreira23 came in 3rd! Woot! Awesome stuff!
 Congratulations Masterbanana, you really are the master! Pretty nice high scores this week, wouldn't ya say monkeys? Play on!


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