Monday, July 18, 2011

Monkey Fact Monday: Bananatastic's FAVORITE Monkey!

Hey monkeys! Angie here, another Monday meaning another Monkey Fact Monday! Now, for the next few weeks, Calypso will be asking MiniMonos staff members what their favorite monkey species is, and why. This week, Calypso chose to ask Bananatastic what his favorite monkey species was and why! Check out what he said:
Bananatastic"I like the Douc Langur Monkey! It is an endangered monkey, native to Southeast Asia. At this time they're facing a lot of pressure because they're losing their habitats quickly!
Just like me, the Douc Langur Monkey deserves a home!  I try my best to follow up on their story to see how they're doing… It looks like they're still in trouble to this day, but thankfully WWF are trying to save them. "
 Awesome BT, these monkeys are definitely one of a kind!
Douc langur
As a Douc Langur grows older, its whiskers tend to grow longer! Douc Langurs also tend to have big bellies -- even the males are mistaken to be pregnant at times! :-)
Wow, these are quite the monkeys BT! I think they're pretty cool (: What do you think of the Douc Langur monkey? And what MiniMonos staff member will be chosen for the next Monkey Fact Member? Leave a comment and let me know, and stay tuned for the next Monkey Fact Monkey to find more facts on monkeys, what MiniMonos staff member gets chosen for the next Monkey Fact Monday, and what their favorite species of monkey is and why!


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