Monday, July 18, 2011

Your Latest Weekly High Scores: And Our Recycling Star in Go Go Green Is...

Hey monkeys! Angie here, bringing you your latest Weekly High Scores! In this week's top report of the scene, who's our Recycling STAR in Go Go Green? You can check out all your latest scores here on MiniMonos Blast, so wanna be in the know of all the latest high scores? Of course you do! So check 'em all out here!

Will Monkey Flight high scores:
Monkey Fliers are flyin' high!

  Mfhs15 Mightyzach came in first with 3,847 clouds collected, second week in a row for Mightzach!! WOOT! Fankey was 2nd with 3,575 clouds and Hunterm was 3rd place! Fantastic! :-)
Flip Recycle game high scores:
Did you know you can even recycle YOUR COMPUTER? Crazy, right? :-)

Recyclehs15 Hatem2011 came in first with a total of 2,250 items recycled! Super :-D! Beba95rosa was 2nd place and Joaomacaco was 3rd! Awesome monkeys! 

Flip Go Go Green high scores:
Can you name each of the items in Go Go Green? :-)

Ggghs15 4nim4l came in first on the list with a score of 445,500! Second week in a row! Flig received 2nd place. Woot! Mooni came in 3rd. Great scores!!
Igor TicTacPoo high scores:
Buzz... Buzz... TicTacPoo always has flies flying around your monkey!
Ttphs15 BannanaRama came in 1st place! Second week in a row! SWEET! Phillies came in 2nd! Jas1206 was 3rd! Fabulous monkeys! :-D
Bea Grow high scores:
Bananatastic had some great looking strawberries in his smoothie on See You Sunday today! Maybe he grew them on MiniMonos... Hehe.
Growhs15 Masterbanana was 1st -- Sixth week in a row! Masterbanana is STILL owning this game! Wow! KidBANANA was 2nd and Lynn came in 3rd! GREAT job monkeys!
Great job on all the high scores monkeys!
Wow! Well, congratulations to all of you, for not only being in the TOP 3 for the Weekly High Scores, but for a lot of you being in the Weekly High Scores for your 2nd week in a ROW! With Masterbanana still owning the Grow game by being in 1st place the 6TH WEEK IN A ROW we've also got a recycling star on our hands! Congrratulations to 4nim41 and congratulations to anyone else who made the Weekly High Scores for any reason whatsoever! I'm Angie6392, here with your latest MiniMonos news!


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